Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Secret Pop Star

Brooklyn is IN LOVE with Hannah Montana. Yeah, I know most of the words to her songs because that is all she ever wants to listen to in the car. I don't know when Brooklyn grew up, but it happened. I mean, she is 4 yet she acts so much like a teenager. Shouldn't she still be into Cinderella and Snow White rather than one of the biggest pop stars out there?

It should have come as no surprise when Brooklyn told me that she wanted to be Hannah Montana for Halloween AND wanted to have a Hannah Montana birthday party. It is sad in a way not to be doing the princess thing anymore, but she is so stinkin' cute that it makes up for it. So in order to get ready for her small party we had a mini-session (and in mini, I mean like literally less than 10 min) of her dressed up like Hannah Montana.

So, without further ado, here is my Secret Pop Star...Hannah Montana!

This one makes me laugh. She kept flipping her hair around and said "Mom, let's pretend that Oliver is walking by and I do this."

I told you that she was cute. She LOVED taking these pictures and we were both sad that it got dark so quick. Oh, and this is just me playing in photoshop. As if I have nothing better to do. Oh well, the house can always be cleaned tomorrow, but I don't want to miss a moment with my pop star.


Anonymous said...

what a riot!! And I have a 3-year-old who loves High School Musical. Must say... Disney sure knows what it's doing and how to hook them! --b

Jerlyn said...

Hey missy rock star! You look more amazing than Hannah Montana herself! Look at you! Love you miss!

Debbie Foster said...

jodi....i cant believe it that brooklyn has gotten so big...the other day me and mom were trying to send aunt shelly a birthday e card and we were trying to put some pictures of the family on know mom and dad...they dont take the pictures were 3 or more years old...and as we were looking there were pictures of brooklyn was briggies was amazeing to see the pictures, because it just seams like yesterday...and now brooklyn is so big and knows what she wants and has such a fun personality...she is an amazeing little suprise because you and troy are two amzeing wonder your kiddos r so fun and cute.... i cant wait to see hanna montanna for holloween...we r so excited...we love you guys...

Jill said...

Woo-Hoo! really are a ROCK STAR!! Jodi, Ive told you time and time are amazing! I love how you just capture LIFE!! We are on major countdown at our house until the party!!